Saturday, 7 May 2016

Spreading awareness.


Posters, Movies , Ads , billboards.

But is spreading awareness is all that'll take to tackle this?


Though Ad films are made it fails to reach the audience or it isn't detailed enough.

Breaking down the Ads.

Usually the advertisement show how the food is unsafe.

Why is this a flaw?

Informing people about unsafe food is just the start. We need to inform them how to tackle them.

We need to make the producers realise how they harm humanity.

in my opinion changing the notion of money should bring down adulteration in food, as in, making people thoughtful about one another. Though it is inconclusive. This is the way to go about it.

How do I do that?

I am aiming for the younger minds. As we can educate them on how the whole food adulteration scene works. Hopefully, This should make them prioritize what is right.

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